Messy Working Desk

It's been about 2 weeks that I'm tighten up with my busy work schedule. Don't have a single time to relax or rest. Day by day, stress is getting increase. Mood is getting bad as well my behaviour. Become a person that I don't even recognise. What a day?! Even though workloads are increasing now, but I think it should be OK for me. For my age, I shouldn't complain but to learn more. Guess what? With my current workload, the picture at below shows how mess of my working desk. Hahaha!!! ^^ At least, I work and not pretending.

What a mess working desk?!
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Ocean Financial Centre

Last few weeks, my project (so-called as my project because I'm in this site), just launched the Topping-Out Ceremony. Of course I'm not being invited to attend this grand ceremony because mostly is from client's side and some architects and also some govt people which I don't really know (please don't blame me because I'm not from S'pore). What a surprise that I got to know that my colleague bought a 1st Day Cover of this project. I was shocked too to find out that SingPost also produce this cover.

Briefly know a bit of this project which was built-up about 146 years ago. Demolish and new building for few times. This OFC will be the 4th time. This piece of land really expensive for nowadays 'coz located at center of town. Some people named this Raffles Place as "Central of HK". Although I work here, but I don't feel anything. Maybe because used to this environment already. Furthermore, because I work at site, I don't really dress well like those people works at office. Below picture is for reference.

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