My New Gadget

Yes!!! I got it! Finally, I got my new gadget, my new iPhone 4. I have been wait for a month. But luckily, I don't need to Q for it. I just need to register it and wait for a month.

Many people says that nowadays, a lot of people holding iPhone. Wherever you go, you will see people holding it either surfing net or watching movie. No doubt, iPhone is a convenient and useful phone. Whatever software/ application, you'll be able search it. It's the matter of money whether you pay for it or install it in free. But of course, free doesn't mean full version. Lots of it are lite version. As a lady using iPhone, there is no need to be so advance. Basic function and application will do.

Let's see what is the difference between 3GS & 4G. As I know is that, 4G able to makes video call (but so far I haven't try it). It also can record some short video, probably depends on the video length and capacity. The most satisfaction for me is that, the camera able to capture picture either from back or front. Capture from front is most suitable for people likes to take picture by own.

Front view. A bit squarish compare to 3GS.

Back view

My iPhone's cloth (cover).

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Maybank Nightwalk

Month of October - a happening month for me. Lots of programme planned on this month. Let's see the my first event which held on 2nd Oct 2010, Maybank Nightwalk. As per the name - Nightwalk, it's a first walk that held at night. Lots of people registered for this walk. As per announced, about 8181 people took part in this walk.

Before we depart to walk at office

Participants at walk.

My colleagues, the participants.

Me & Noryn.

Start point of Nightwalk 2010.

Photo after walk. We still feel fresh and "syok".

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